Conference Papers and Presentations


  • Z. Gao, F.-K. Sun, R. Rohrer, and D. Boning, “KirchhoffNet: A Scalable Ultra Fast Analog Neural Network,” to be presented, International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), New York, NY, Nov. 2024. **
  • E. Bender, J. Bernstein, and D. Boning, “Statistical Degradation in BGAs for Early Fault Detection,” to be presented, International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA), San Diego, CA, Oct.-Nov. 2024.
  • U. Chakraborty, Z. Gao, and D. S. Boning, “Robust Bayesian Optimization of a Photonic Y-splitter Using a Tunable Acquisition Function,” to be presented Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO LS), Denver, CO, Sept. 2024. **
  • Z. Gao, D. Zhang, L. Daniel, and D. Boning, “NOFIS: Normalizing Flow for Rare Circuit Failure Analysis,” Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA, June 2024. **
  • Owens, R., F.-K. Sun, C. Venditti, D. Blake, J. Dillon, and D. Boning, “Dynamic Time Warping Constraints for Semiconductor Processing,” Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), Albany, NY, May 2024. **
  • Ma, P., H. Yang, Z. Gao, D. Boning, and J. Gu, “PIC2O-Sim: A Physics-Inspired causality-Aware Dynamic Convolutional Neural Operator for Ultra-Fast Photonic Device FDTD Simulation,” submitted to Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), May 2024. **
  • Zheng, S., Z. Gao, F.-K. Sun, D. S. Boning, and M. Wong, “Improving Neural ODE Training with Temporal Adaptive Batch Normalization,” submitted to Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), May 2024. **


  • C.-Y. Lai, F.-K. Sun, Z. Gao, D. S. Boning, and J. H. Lang, “Nominality Score Conditioned Time Series Anomaly Detection by Point/Sequential Reconstruction,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), New Orleans, LA, Dec. 2023. **
  • J. Gu, M. Dighamber, Z. Gao, and D. S. Boning, “Benchmarking the Robustness of Neural Network-based Partial Differential Equation Solvers,” Fast Machine Learning for Science Workshop, co-located with International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2023. **
  • Z. Gao, L. Wilding, A. Burazer, L. Daniel, and D. S. Boning, “Achieving Small False Positive Rate for Automated Visual Inspection via a Dual-Threshold Convolutional Neural Network,” 2023 PDA Visual Inspection Forum, Baltimore, MD, April 2023. **
  • E. Bender, J. Bernstein, and D. S. Boning, “The Effects of Process Variation EffectsandBTI inPackaged FinFET Devices,” 2023 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), Monterey, CA, Mar. 2023.
  • Z. Zhang, M. Notaros, Z. Gao, U. Chakraborty, J. Notaros, and D. S. Boning, “Impact of Spatial Variations on Splitter-Tree-Based Integrated Optical Phased Arrays,” Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC) 2023, paper W2A.35,San Diego, CA, Mar. 2023.**


  • J. Gu, Z. Gao, C. Feng, H. Zhu, R. Chen, D. S. Boning, and D. Z. Pan, “NeurOLight: A Physics-Agnostic Neural Operator Enabling Parametric Photonic Device Simulation,” to be presented, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), New Orleans, LA, Nov.-Dec. 2022. **
  • Z. Gao, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, U. Chakraborty, W. Bogaerts, and D. Boning, “Automatic Realization of Light Processing Functions for Programmable Photonics,” to be presented, 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Vancouver, Canada, Nov. 2022. **
  • Z. Gao, F.-K. Sun, M. Yang, S. Ren, Z. Xiong, M. Engeler, A. Burazer, L. Wildling, L. Daniel, and D. S. Boning, “Learning from Multiple Annotator Noisy Labels via Sample-wise Label Fusion,” to be presented, 17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 2022. Also arXiv 2207.11327. **
  • Z. Liang, H. Wang, J. Cheng, Y. Ding, H. Ren, Z. Gao, Z. Hu, D. Boning, X. Qian, S. Han, W. Jiang, and Y. Shi, “Variational Quantum Pulse Learning,” to be presented, IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Broomfield, CO, Sept. 2022. **
  • F.-K. Sun, and D. S. Boning, “FreDo: Frequency Domain-based Long-Term Time Series Forecasting,” submitted to Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), May 2022. **
  • Z. Zhang, S. I. El-Henawy, C. Rios, and D. S. Boning, “Inference of Process Variations in Silicon Photonics from Characterization Measurements,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, May 2022. **
  • Z. Gao, Z. Zhang, and D. Boning, “Automatic Design of a Broadband Directional Coupler via Bayesian Optimization,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, May 2022. **












  • K. Balakrishnan, K. Jenkins, and D. Boning, “A Simple Array-Based Test Structure for the AC Variability Characterization of MOSFETs,” IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 539-544, March 2011. **
  • A. H. Chang, D. Boning, and H.-S. Lee, “Redundancy in SAR ADCs,” Great Lakes Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration (GLSVLSI), pp. 283-288, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2011. **
  • K. Balakrishnan, K. A. Jenkins, and D. Boning, “A Ring Oscillator-Based Test Structure for AC Variability Characterization of Individual MOSFETs,” 2nd European Workshop on CMOS Variability (VARI), 4 pages, Grenoble, France, May 2011. ** Best Paper Award, Industry Relevance
  • W. Y. Zhang, K. Balakrishnan, X. Li, D. Boning, and R. Rutenbar, “Toward Efficient Spatial Variation Decomposition via Sparse Regression,” IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 162-169, Nov. 2011. **
  • W. Fan, D. Boning, Y. Zhuang, Y. Sampurno, A. Philipossian, M. Moinpour and D. Hooper, “Characterization of CMP Pad Surface Properties and Aging Effects,” International Conference on Planarization Technology (ICPT), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2011. **
  • J. Johnson, D. Boning, G.-S. Kim, R. Mudhivarthi, P. Safier, and K. Pate, “Slurry Particle Agglomeration Model for Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP),” International Conference on Planarization Technology (ICPT), Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2011. **


  • J. O. Diaz, H. K. Taylor, R. J. Shul, R. L. Jarecki, T. M. Bauer, D. S. Boning, and D. L. Hetherington, “A Computationally Simple, Wafer-to-Feature-Level Model of Etch Rate Variation in Deep Reactive Ion Etching,” AVS 57th International Symposium and Exhibition, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 2010. **
  • D. Boning, A. H. Chang, K. Zuo, J. Wang, and D. Yu, “Test Structures, Circuits, and Extraction Methods for Determining Pattern Density Effects,” IEEE/ACM Workshop on Variability Modeling and Characterization (VMC), San Jose, CA, Nov. 11, 2010. **
  • H. Taylor, K. Simstrup, and D. Boning, “Modeling the Enhancement of Nanoimprint Stamp Bending Compliance by Backside Grooves: Mitigating the Impact of Wafer Nanotopography on Residual Layer Thickness,” 9th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT), Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 2010. **
  • D. Boning, A. Kahng, H. Taylor, and Y.-K. Wu, “Chip-Scale Simulation of Residual Layer Thickness Uniformity in Thermal Nanoimprint Lithography: Evaluating Stamp Cavity-Height and ‘Dummy-Fill’ Selection Strategies,” 9th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT), Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 2010. **
  • H. Taylor, K. Smistrup, and D. Boning, “Modeling and simulation of stamp deflections in nanoimprint lithography: exploiting backside grooves to enhance residual layer thickness uniformity,” 36th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering (MNE2010), Genoa, Sept. 2010. **
  • W. Fan, J. Johnson, and D. S. Boning, “Non-Ohmic Wafer-Level Modeling of Electrochemical-Mechanical Planarization (ECMP),” International Conference on Planarization Technology (ICPT), Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 2010. **
  • Fan, W., J. Johnson, and D. Boning, “Wafer-level Modeling of Electrochemical-Mechanical Planarization (ECMP),” International Conference on Planarization Technology (ICPT), Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 2010. **
  • D. Boning and W. Fan, “Characterization and Modeling of Pad Asperity Response in CMP,” paper E5.4, Chemical-Mechanical Planarization Symposium, MRS Spring Meeting, vol. 1249, pp. 147-154, San Francisco, April 2010. **
  • D. Boning and J. M. Johnson, “Slurry Particle Agglomeration Model for Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP),” paper E4.3, Chemical-Mechanical Planarization Symposium, MRS Spring Meeting, vol. 1249, pp. 103-112, San Francisco, April 2010. **
  • D. Boning, “CMP Mechanisms and Models: Progress and Challenges,” Keynote, Symposium V: CMP and Post-CMP Cleaning, China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), Shanghai, China, March 18-19, 2010. **
  • H. Taylor and D. Boning, “Towards nanoimprint lithography-aware layout design checking,” SPIE Advanced Lithography, Design for Manufacturability through Design-Process Integration IV, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7641, paper 7641-29 (12 pages), San Jose, CA, Feb. 2010. **
  • Anthony, B. W., D. S. Boning, S. F. Yoon, K. Youcef-Toumi, Z. P. Fang, D. Ljubicic, S. Li, I. Reading, V. Shilpiekandula, H. K. Taylor, Z. Xu, and J. Zhao, “Metrology and Process Control for Manufacturing of Microfluidic Devices,” Symposium on Manufacturing of Microfluidic Devices, NTU, Singapore, January 21, 2010. **
  • Fan, W., D. Boning, Y. Zhuang, Y. Sampurno, A. Philipossian, D. Hooper, and M. Moinpour, “Characterization of CMP Pad Surface Properties,” Clarkson Workshop on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Lake Placid, NY, Aug. 2010. **


  • H. Taylor and D. Boning, “Fast simulation of pattern dependencies in thermal nanoimprint lithography,” International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT), paper C14 (2 pages), San Jose, CA, Nov. 2009. **
  • K. Balakrishnan and D. Boning, “Measurement and Analysis of Contact Plug Resistance Variability,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), pp. 415-422, San Jose, CA, Oct. 2009. **
  • Boning, D., J. Johnson, H. McCulloh, and N. Patel, “The Evolution of Pattern-Density in CMP Modeling,” Symposium E: Science and Technology of Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2009. **


  • H. Taylor, D. S. Boning, C. I. Iliescu, B. Chen, Y.-C. Lam, and X. Chen, “Modeling Pattern Dependencies in the Micro-scale Embossing of Polymeric Layers,” Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems IV, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7269, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2008. **
  • N. Drego, A. Chandrakasan, and D. Boning, “An All-Digital, Highly Scalable Architecture for Measurement of Spatial Variation in Digital Circuits,” IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuit Conference (ASSCC), Fukuoka, Japan, Nov. 2008. **
  • H. Taylor and D. Boning, “An Integrated Crack-Opening Method for Determining the Work of Fracture of Bonded Polymer Interfaces,” 12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS 2008), San Diego, CA, Oct. 2008. **
  • H. K. Taylor, Z. Xu, L. Shiguang, K. Youcef-Toumi, S. F. Yoon, and D. S. Boning, “Moire fringe method for the measurement of distortions of hot-embossed polymeric substrates,” to be presented, 9th International Symposium on Laser Metrology, Singapore, June-July 2008. **
  • H. K. Taylor and D. S. Boning, “Diffraction-based Approaches to the In-situ Measurement of Dimensional Variations in Components Produced by Thermoplastic Micro- and Nano-embossing,” 5th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing, Singapore, Jan. 2008. **
  • Z. G. Xu, S. G. Li, S. F. Yoon, Z. P. Fang, K. Youcef-Toumi, D. J. Burns, V. Shilpiekandula, H. K. Taylor and D. S. Boning, “Complete Surface Distinguishing and Overlapping Technology for Three-dimensional Image Processing of Micro Devices,” 5th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing, Singapore, Jan. 2008. **
  • A. Philipossian, Y. Sampurno, L. Borucki, Y. Zhuang, S. Misra, K. Holland, and D. Boning, “Characterization of Thermoset and Thermoplastic Polyurethane Pads, and Molded and Non-optimized Machined Grooving Methods for Oxide CMP Applications,” Clarkson Workshop on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Lake Placid, NY, Aug. 2008.
  • Boning, D. , K. Balakrishnan, A. Chang, N. Drego, W. Fan, J. Johnson, and H. Taylor, “Measuring and Modeling IC Variability at the Process, Device, and Circuit Levels,” ICCAD Workshop on Test Structure Design for Variability Characterization (TSD), San Jose, CA, Nov. 2008.



  • X. Xie, D. Boning, F. Meyer, and R. Rzehak, “Analysis of Nanotopography and Layout Variations in Patterned STI CMP,” International Conference on Planarization Technology (ICPT), Foster City, CA, Oct. 2006. **
  • Somani, D. Boning, P. Gschwend and R. Reif, “Environmental Impact Evaluation Methodology for Emerging Silicon-Based Technologies,” International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, San Francisco, May 2006. **
  • Abrokwah, K. O., P. R. Chidambaram, and D. S. Boning, “Pattern Based Prediction for Plasma Etch,” Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), April 2006. **
  • Xie, X., D. Boning, F. Meyer, R. Rzehak, and P. Wagner, “Analysis and Modeling of Nanotopography Impact in Blanket and Patterned Silicon Wafer Polishing,” Chemical-Me­chanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), Fremont, CA, Feb. 2006.**
  • Xie, X., D. Boning, K. Devriendt, and A. S. Lawing, “Modeling of Friction Evolution During STI CMP as Endpoint Signals,” Chemical-Me­chanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), Fremont, CA, Feb. 2006. **
  • Boning, D. “Variation and Design for Manufacturability in Advanced Fabrication Processes,” keynote address, International Technology Semiconductor Conference – ISTC 2006, Electrochemical Society, Shanghai, China, March 21-23, 2006. **
  • Taylor, H., A. Farahanchi, and D. Boning, “Tool- and pattern-dependent spatial variations in silicon deep reactive ion etch,” International MEMS Conference ’06 (iMEMS), Singapore, May 9-12, 2006. **
  • Xie, X., D. Boning, F. Meyer, R. Rzehak, and P. Wagner, “Analysis and Modeling of Nanotopography Impact in Blanket and Patterned Wafer Polishing,” 5th Silicon Wafer SEMI Standards Workshop, SEMICON Europa 2006, Munich, Germany, April 5, 2006. **


  • Xie, X. and D. Boning, “Relating Friction in CMP to Topography Evolution,” World Tribology Congress III, paper WTC2005-64115, 2 pgs, Washington, D.C., Sept. 2005. **
  • Boning, D. S. and X. Xie, “CMP at the Wafer Edge – Modeling the Interaction Between Wafer Edge Geometry and Polish Performance,” Symposium W: Chemical-Mechanical Planarization – Integration, Technology, and Reliability,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Chemical-Mechanical Planarization – Integration, Technology, and Reliability, MRS Symposium Proceedings vol. 867, pp. 223-234, San Francisco, CA, March 2005. **
  • Sun, H., T. Hill, H. Taylor, M. Schmidt, and D. Boning, “A Two-Level Prediction Model for Deep Reactive Ion Etch (DRIE),” International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 2005 (MEMS’05), Miami Beach, FL, Jan. 2005. **
  • Boning, D., “Modeling of Pattern Dependencies in CMP,” Tutorial, Symposium W: Chemical-Mechanical Planarization – Integration, Technology, and Reliability,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2005. **
  • Boning, D., L. Pileggi, A. Strojwas, and R. Rutenbar, “Understanding Variation and Its Impact in Devices, Interconnect, and Circuits,” Interconnect Focus Center Workshop, Cambridge, MA, Dec. 2005. **


  • Nassif, S. R., D. Boning, and N. Hakim, “The Care and Feeding of your Statistical Static Timer,” International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, Nov. 2004. **
  • Xie., X. and D. Boning, “A Comparison of Die-Scale CMP Models,” Recent Advances in Chemical Mechanical Planarization I, Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Austin, TX, Nov. 2004. **
  • Misra, S., Y. Zhuang, Y. Sampurno, E. Hwang, M. Nasrullah, H. Vaidya, M. Deopura, X. Xie, D. Boning, A. Philipossian and P.K. Roy, “Tribological, Thermal, and Kinetic Characterization and Planarity Performance of Novel Pads for ILD CMP Applications,” VLSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (VMIC), Waikola, HA, Oct. 2004. **
  • Hill, T. F., H. Sun, H. K. Taylor, M. A. Schmidt, and D. S. Boning, “Pattern Density Based Predication for Deep Reactive Ion Etch (DRIE),” Solid-State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, June 2004. **
  • Cai, H., T. Park, D. Boning, Y. Kang, J. Lee, S. K. Kim, and H. Kim, “Coherent Chip-Scale Modeling for Copper CMP Pattern Dependence,” Paper K2.4, Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Symposium, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 2004. **
  • Xie, X., T. Park, D. Boning, A. Smith, P. Allard, and N. Patel, “Characterizing STI CMP Processes with an STI Test Mask Having Realistic Geometric Shapes,” Paper K9.4, Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Symposium, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 2004. **
  • Tang, B. and D. Boning, “CMP Modeling and Characterization for Polysilicon MEMS Structures,” Paper K7.6, Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Symposium, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 2004. **
  • Boning, D., X. Xie, J. Sorooshian, A. Philipossian, D. Stein, and D. Hetherington, “Relationship Between Patterned Wafer Topography Evolution and STI CMP Motor Current Endpoint Signals,” Chemical-Me­chanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMPMIC), pp. 341-350, Marina Beach, CA, Feb. 2004. **
  • Sorooshian, J., A. Philipossian, L. Borucki, R. Timon, D. Stein, D. Hetherington, and D. Boning, “Impact of Pattern Density on the Effective Pressure During STI CMP,” Chemical-Me­chanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 358-361, Marina Beach, CA, Feb. 2004. **
  • Sampurno, Y., Y. Zhuang, Z. Li, A. Philipossian, L. Borucki, and D. Boning, “Novel Method for Direct Measurement of Substrate Temperature During Copper CMP,” 9th Annual Clarkson Workshop on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Lake Placid, NY, Aug., 2004. **




  • Tugbawa, T., T. Park, B. Lee, D. Boning, P. Lefevre, and J. Nguyen, “Modeling of Pattern Depen­dencies in Abrasive-Free Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing Processes,” VLSI Multilevel In­terconnection Conference (VMIC), Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 2001. ** pdf | talk-pdf
  • Park, T., T. Tugbawa, D. Boning, C. Borst, G. Shinn, and P. R. Chidambaram, “Instantaneous Re­moval Rate in Copper CMP,” Chemical Mechanical Polishing 2001, American Vacuum Society, San Jose, CA, Oct. 11, 2001. **
  • Goodlin, B. E., D. S. Boning, and H. H. Sawin, “Multivariate Endpoint Detection – Analysis of Sig­nal to Noise Improvement,” Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control XIII Sympo­sium (AEC/APC), Banff, Canada, Sept. 2001. **
  • Park, T., T. E. Tugbawa, and D. Boning, “Pattern Dependent Modeling of Electroplated Copper Profiles,” International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC), Burlingame, CA, June 2001. ** paper-pdf | talk-pdf
  • Mehrotra, V., and D. Boning, “Technology Scaling Impact of Variation on Clock Skew and Inter­connect Delay,” International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC), Burlingame, CA, June 2001. **
  • Chen, K. H., D. S. Boning, and R. E. Welsch, “Multivariate Statistical Process Control and Signa­ture Analysis Using Eigenfactor Detection Methods,” The 33rd Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics, Costa Mesa, CA, June 2001. **
  • Sam, S. L., A. Chandrakasan, and D. Boning, “Variation Issues in On-Chip Optical Clock Distri­bution,” Sixth International Workshop on Statistical Methodologies for IC Processes, Devices, and Circuits (IWSM), Kyoto, Japan, June 2001. ** paper-pdf | talk-ppt | talk-pdf
  • Lefevre, P., A. Gonzales, T. Brown, T. Tugbawa, T. Park, D. Boning, M. Gostein, and J. Nguyen, “Direct Measurement of Planarization Length For Copper Chemical-mechanical Polishing (CMP) Processes Using A Large Pattern Test Mask,” Symposium M “Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Ad­vances and Future Challenges,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2001. paper-pdf | talk-ppt | talk-pdf
  • Tugbawa, T. E., T. H. Park, D. S. Boning, P. Lefevre, and L. Camilletti, “Modeling of Pattern De­pendencies In Multi-level Copper Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Processes,” Symposium M “Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Advances and Future Challenges,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2001. ** pdf | talk-pdf
  • Lee, B., D. Boning, W. Baylies, N. Poduje, P. Hester, Y. Xia, J. Valley, D. Hetherington, H.-J. Sun, and M. Lacy, “Wafer Nanotopography Effects on CMP: Experimental Validation of Modeling Methods,” Symposium M “Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Advances and Future Challenges,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2001. ** paper-pdf | talk-pdf
  • Lee, B., D. Boning, and L. Economikos, “A Fixed Abrasive CMP Model,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), Santa Clara, CA, March 2001. ** paper-pdf | talk-pdf
  • Tugbawa, T., T. Park, D. Boning, L. Camilletti, M. Brongo, and P. Lefevre, “Modeling of Pattern Dependencies in Multi-Step Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing Processes,” Chemical-Me­chanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), Santa Clara, CA, March 2001. **
  • Boning, D., T. Tugbawa, and T. Park, “Characterization and Modeling of Pattern Dependencies in Copper CMP,” Semiconductor Fabtech, Edition 13, 2001. **
  • Boning, D., B. Lee, T. Tugbawa, and T. Park, “Modeling the Effect of Non-Prestonian Pressure on Pattern Dependencies in CMP,” 6th International Symposium on CMP, Lake Placid, NY, August 2001. **
  • Boning, D., B. Lee, T. Tugbawa, and T. Park, “Models for Pattern Dependencies: Capturing Effects in Oxide, STI, and Copper CMP,” Semicon/West Technical Symposium: CMP Technology for ULSI Manufacturing, San Francisco, CA, July 2001. **
  • Boning, D., “Modeling of Pattern Dependencies in Multistep Copper CMP Processes,” Characterization Solution for CMP Process Development 2001, Chiba, Japan, December 2001. **


  • Goodlin, B. E., D. S. Boning, H. H. Sawin, and M. Yang, “Low Open Area Endpoint Detection of Plasma Etching Processes – Limitations and Signal to Noise Characterization,” Sensors and Control in Plasma Processing, American Vacuum Society, Boston, MA, Oct. 2000.**
  • Gower, A., D. Boning, P. Rosenthal, and A. Waldhauer, “Advanced Multi-Objective Control for Epitaxial Silicon Deposition,” Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), pp. 347-356, Boston, MA, Sept. 2000. **
  • Lee, B, T. Gan, D. Boning, P. Hester, N. Poduje, and W. Baylies, “Nanotopography Effects on Chemical Mechanical Polishing for Shallow Trench Isolation,” Advanced Semiconductor Manu­facturing Conference (ASMC), pp. 425-432, Boston, MA, Sept. 2000. **
  • Goodlin, B. E., D. S. Boning, and H. H. Sawin, “Signal to Noise Characterization for Endpoint De­tection,” Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control XII Symposium (AEC/APC), Lake Tahoe, NV, Sept. 2000. **
  • Mehrotra, V., S. L. Sam, D. Boning, A. Chandrakasan, R. Valishayee, and S. Nassif, “A Method­ology for Modeling the Effects of Systematic Within-Die Interconnect and Device Variation on Cir­cuit Performance,” Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 2000. **
  • Goodlin, B. E., H. H. Sawin, D. S. Boning, and M. Yang, “Edge Effects and Interferometry in Low Open Area Endpoint Detection of Plasma Etching Processes,” Plasma Processing XIII, Electro­chemical Society Meeting, Toronto, May 2000. **
  • Lee, B., T. Gan, D. S. Boning, J. David, B. A. Bonner, P. McKeever, and T. H. Osterheld, “Using Wafer-Scale Patterns for CMP Analysis,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Paper E8.8/ D11.8, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2000. **
  • White, D., D. Boning, and A. Gower, “Characterization of Endpoint and Wafer-Level Nonuniformity using In-Situ Thermography,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 229-236, Santa Clara, CA, March 2000. **
  • Lee, B, D. Hetherington, and D. Boning, “Using Smart Dummy Fill and Selective Reverse Etch­back for Pattern Density EqualizationUsing Smart Dummy Fill and Selective Reverse Etch­back for Pattern Density Equalization,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), Santa Clara, CA, March 2000. **
  • Park, T. H, T. Tugbawa, and D. Boning, “Overview of Methods for Characterization of Pattern De­pendencies in Copper CMP,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 197-205, Santa Clara, CA, March 2000. **
  • Smith, T., S. J. Fang, G. B. Shinn, J. Stefani, Z. Tang, S. Chang, S. Garza, J. Campbell, and D. Bon­ing, “Improving Within-Die Nonuniformity in Dielectric CMP,” Chemical-Mechanical Planariza­tion for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 362-364, Santa Clara, CA, March 2000. **
  • Boning, D. S., “Modeling and Simulation Advances in CMP Processes,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Short Course, Santa Clara, CA, March 1, 2000.
  • T. Tugbawa, T. Park, and D. Boning, “Framework for Modeling of Pattern Dependencies in Multi-Step Cu CMP Processes,” CMP Symposium, SEMICON West 2000, July, 2000. **
  • B. Lee, D. Boning, W. Baylies, P. Hester, and N. Poduje, “Nanotopography Effects of Chemical Mechanical Polishing on Shallow Trench Isolation,” 5th Annual Clarkson Workshop on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Lake Placid, NY, Aug. 2000. **
  • Maag, B., D. Boning, and B. Voelker, “Assessing the Environmental Impact of Copper CMP,” Semiconductor International, Oct. 2000. **
  • Boning, D., B. Lee, W. Baylies, N. Poduje, P. Hester, J. Valley, C. Koliopoulos and D. Hetherington, “Characterization and Modeling of Nanotopography Effects on CMP,” International CMP Symposium 2000, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 4, 2000. **


  • Park, T., T. Tugbawa, D. Boning, S Hymes, T. Brown, K. Smekalin, and G. Schwartz, “Multi-level Pattern Effects in Copper CMP,” Third International Symposium on Chemical Mechanical Polish­ing in IC Device Manufacturing, 196th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vol. PV99-37, pp. 94-100, Honolulu, HI, Oct. 1999. **
  • Hymes, S., T. Brown, P. LeFevre, B. Mikkola, R. Bajaj, T. Park, T. Tugbawa, D. Boning, and J. Nguyen, “Modeling of Topography during 1st Step CMP of Cu-Plated Damascene Structures,” Third International Symposium on Chemical Mechanical Polishing in IC Device Manufacturing, 196th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vol. PV99-37, pp. 149-157, Honolulu, HI, Oct. 1999.
  • Tugbawa, T., T. Park, D. Boning, T. Pan, P. Li, S. Hymes, T. Brown, and L. Camilletti, “A Math­ematical Model of Pattern Dependencies in Copper CMP Processes,” Third International Sympo­sium on Chemical Mechanical Polishing in IC Device Manufacturing, Vol. PV99-37, pp. 605-615, 196th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, HI, Oct. 1999. **
  • Smith, T., S. Fang, J. Stefani, G. Shinn, D. Boning and S. Butler, “Device Independent Process Con­trol of Chemical-Mechanical Polishing,” Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semicon­ductor Device Manufacturing III, Abstract No. 213, 195th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 1999. **
  • Sawin, H., M. Le, B. Goodlin, D. White, A. Gower, and D. Boning, “Control of Plasma Processes Based on Full Wafer Interferometry and Multivariate Spectral Analysis of Optical Emission Spec­troscopy,” Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing III, Abstract No. 232, 195th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 1999. **
  • Smith, T. H., and D. S. Boning, “Process Control in the Semiconductor Industry,” Quality Engi­neering in Semiconductor Manufacturing session, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ, May 22-23, 1999. **
  • Boning, D.S., B. Lee, C. Oji, D. Ouma, T. Park, T. Smith, and T. Tugbawa, “Pattern Depen­dent Modeling for CMP Optimization and Control,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Abstract P5.5, Chemical-Mechanical Polishing – Fundamentals and Challenges, MRS Vol. 566, pp. 197-210, San Francisco, CA, April 1999. **
  • Hymes, S., K. Smekalin, T. Brown, H. Yeung, M. Joffe, M. Banet, T. Park, T. Tugbawa, D. Boning, J. Nguyen, T. West, and W. Sands, “Determination of the Planarization Distance for Copper CMP Process,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Abstract P5.6, MRS Vol. 566, San Fran­cisco, CA, April 1999. **
  • Smith, T. H., D. Boning, S. J. Fang, G. B. Shinn, and J. A. Stefani, “A CMP Model Combining Den­sity and Time Dependencies,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Intercon­nect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 97-104, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1999. **
  • Park, T., T. Tugbawa, D. Boning, J. Chung, S. Hymes, R. Muralidhar, B. Wilks, K. Smekalin, G. Bersuker, “Electrical Characterization of Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” Chemical-Me­chanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 184-191, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1999. **
  • Fang, S. J., G. B. Shinn, T. H. Smith, and D. Boning, “Advanced Process Control in Dielectric Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Inter­connect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 367-374, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1999. **
  • Pan, J. T., P. Li, K. Wijekoon, S. Tsai, F. Redeker, T. Park, T. Tugbawa, and D. Boning, “Copper CMP and Process Control,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 423-429, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1999. **
  • Chiarello, R., A. Muscat, D. Boning, K. Gleason, S. Karecki, and S. Raghavan, “Multidisciplinary Approaches Target ESH&H,” Solid State Technology, pp. 62-66, Feb. 1999.
  • Boning, D., “A Methodology for Modeling and Characterization of Dielectric CMP Processes,” The CMP Technical Symposium 1999, pp. 23-38, Tokyo, Japan, June 1999.
  • Smith, T., S. Fang, J. Stefani, G. Shinn, S. W. Butler, and D. S. Boning, “Device Independent Run by Run CMP Process Control,” The CMP Technical Symposium 1999, pp. 39-50, Tokyo, Japan, June 1999. **
  • Park, T., T. Tugbawa, D. Boning, and S. Hymes, “Characterization of Pattern Dependent Variation in Copper CMP,” The CMP Technical Symposium 1999, pp. 79-90, Tokyo, Japan, June 1999. **
  • Boning, D., T. Park, T. Tugbawa, S. Hymes, and T. Pan, “Modeling of Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” 4th Annual Clarkson Workshop on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Lake Placid, NY, Aug. 1999.
  • Poduje, N., W. Baylies, B. Lee, T. Gan, and D. Boning, “Nanotopology Effects in Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” SEMI-AWG Nanotopography Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 29, 1999. **


  • Mehrotra, V., S. Nassif, D. Boning, and J. Chung, “Modeling the Effects of Manufacturing Varia­tion on High-Speed Microprocessor Interconnect Performance,” International Electron Devic­es Meeting (IEDM), pp. 767-770, San Francisco. CA, Dec. 1998. **
  • Smith, T. H., S. J. Fang, J. A. Stefani, G. B. Shinn, D. S. Boning, S. W. Butler, “NOVA On-Line CMP Metrology and Its Use for Lot-to-Lot Process Control,” 45th National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 1998. **
  • White, D. A., B. E. Goodlin, A. Gower, D. Boning, H. Sawin, “Multivariate Spectral Analysis of Optical Emission Spectroscopy for use in Low-Open Area Endpoint Detection,” 45th National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 1998. **
  • Ouma, D., D. Boning, J. Chung, G. Shinn, L. Olsen, and J. Clark, “An Integrated Characterization and Modeling Methodology for CMP Dielectric Planarization,” International Interconnect Technol­ogy Conference (IITC), pp. 67-69, San Francisco, CA, June 1998. **
  • Smith, T., C. Oji, D. Boning, and J. Chung, “Bias and Variance in Multiple Response Surface Mod­eling,” Third International Workshop on Statistical Metrology (IWSM), pp. 60-63, Honolulu, HI, June 1998. **
  • Park, T., T. Tugbawa, J. Yoon, D. Boning, J. Chung, R. Muralidhar, S. Hymes, Y. Gotkis, S. Alam­gir, R. Walesa, L. Shumway, G. Wu, F. Zhang, R. Kistler, and J. Hawkins, “Pattern and Process Dependencies in Copper Damascene Chemical Mechanical Polishing Processes,” VLSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (VMIC), pp. 437-442, Santa Clara, CA, June 1998. **
  • Pan, J. T., D. Ouma, P. Li, D. Boning, F. Redecker, J. Chung, and J. Whitby, “Planarization and Integration of Shallow Trench IsolationPlanarization and Integration of Shallow Trench Isolation,” VLSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (VMIC), pp. 467-472, Santa Clara, CA, June 1998. **
  • Boning, D., D. Ouma, and J. Chung, “Extraction of Planarization Length and Response Function in Chemical-Mechanical Polishing,” Materials Research Society 1998 Spring Meeting, Abstract Q5.1, pp. 286-287, San Francisco, CA, May 1998. **
  • Boning, D., and J. Chung, “Statistical Metrology – Measurement and Modeling of Variation for Advanced Process Development and Design Rule Generation,” 1998 International Conference on Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology, pp. 395-404, Gaithersburg, MD, March 1998. **
  • Ouma, D., C. Oji, D. Boning, J. Chung, D. Hetherington, and P. Merkle, “Effect of High Relative Speed on Planarization Length in Oxide Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 20-27, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1998. ** 
  • Park, T., D. Boning, and J. Chung, “Characterization and Modeling of Oxide CMP,” International CMP Technical Symposium for ULSI Multilevel Interconnection, Seoul, Korea, January, 1998. **
  • Boning, D. S., “CMP Pattern Dependent Modeling Developments,” VLSI Multilevel Interconnection State of the Art Seminar, Santa Clara, CA, June 1998.
  • Rosenthal, P. R., P. A. Rosenthal, V. Yakovlev, G. Barna, B. Van Eck, C.M. Nelson, M. L. Spartz, A. Gower, T. Smith, D. Boning, A. Waldhauer, W. Aarts, K. Paul Muller, J. Moyne, J. Mott, R. Mundt, A Perry, A. Weber, R. Bunkofske, “The Next Steps in Advanced Process Control,” Future Fab International, July 1998.
  • Boning, D., “Metrics and Modeling for Pattern-Dependent Planarization Performance,” CMP Technology for ULSI Interconnection, Semicon/West Technical Sessions, San Francisco, CA, July 1998.
  • Chen, H. and D. Boning, “Data-Rich Multivariate Detection/Diagnosis Using Extensions to Principal Components Analysis,” AISE Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Modeling, Scheduling, and Control, Cambridge, MA, July 1998. **
  • Nishimoto, A., T. Smith, D. Ouma, E. Stuckey, and D. Boning, “An in-situ sensor for reduced consumable usage through control of CMP,” Extended Abstracts, TechCon’98, Semiconductor Research Corporation, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 1998. **
  • Boning, D., D. Ouma, T. Park, T. Tugbawa, B. Lee, C. Oji, J. Yoon, and T. Smith, “Recent Progress in Pattern Dependent CMP Modeling,” 3rd Annual Clarkson Workshop on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Lake Placid, NY, Aug. 16-19, 1998.
  • Ouma, D. O., T. Park, and D. Boning, “MIT CMP Characterization Masks and Applications,” CMP 98 Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 1998. **
  • Sachs, E. M., N. M. Patrikalakis, D. Boning, M. J. Cima, T. R. Jackson, and R. Resnick, “The Distributed Design and Fabrication of Metal Parts and Tooling by 3D Printing,Proceedings of the 1998 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp. 35-36, Monterrey, Mexico, Jan. 1998.


  • Stine, B. E., V. Mehrotra, D. S. Boning, J. E. Chung, and D. J. Ciplickas, “A Simulation Method­ology for Assessing the Impact of Spatial/Pattern Dependent Variation on Circuit Performance,” In­ternational Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), pp. 133-136, Wash. DC, Dec. 1997. **
  • Chung, J. E. and D. S. Boning, “CMP ILD Thickness Variation Characterization and Data Analy­sis,” Third International CMP Technical Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 1997. **
  • Smith, T. and D. Boning, “Non-Periodic Lot Processing, Random Measurement Delays, and Inter­mittent Lot Processing with an Extended Predictor Corrector Controller,” 44th National Sympo­sium of the American Vacuum Society, San Jose, CA, Oct. 1997. **
  • Le, M., T. Smith, D. Boning, and H. Sawin, “Run-to-Run Process Control and Endpoint Detection on a Dual-Coil TCP with FWI and OES,” 44th National Symposium of the American Vacuum So­ciety, San Jose, CA, Oct. 1997. **
  • Nakagawa, O.S., S.-Y. Oh, F. Eschbach, G. Ray, P. Nikkel, R. Divecha, B. Stine, D. Ouma, D. Bon­ing, and J. Chung, “Modeling of CMP-induced Pattern-dependent ILD Thickness Variation in Mul­tilevel Metallization System,” Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC), San Diego, CA, Oct. 1997. **
  • Maury, A., D. Ouma, D. Boning, and J. Chung, “A Modification to Preston’s Equation and Impact on Pattern Density Effect Modeling,” Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC), San Diego, CA, Oct. 1997. **
  • Ouma, D., B. Stine, R. Divecha, D. Boning, J. Chung, G. Shinn, I. Ali, and J. Clark, “Wafer-Scale Modeling of Pattern Effect in Oxide Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” Manufacturing Yield, Reli­ability, and Failure Analysis session, SPIE 1997 Symposium on Microelectronic Manufacturing, Austin TX, Oct. 1997. **
  • Muthukrishnan, N. M., S. Prasad, B. E. Stine, W. Loh, R. Nagahara, J. E. Chung, D. S. Boning, “Evaluation of pad life in chemical mechanical polishing process using statistical metrology,” Man­ufacturing Yield, Reliability, and Failure Analysis session, SPIE 1997 Symposium on Microelec­tronic Manufacturing, Austin TX, Oct. 1997.
  • Boning, D., “Fundamentals and Applications of Run by Run Process Control,” Tutorial II, Ad­vanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Workshop IX (AEC/APC), SEMATECH, Incline Vil­lage, NV, Sept. 1997.
  • Stefani, J., S. Butler, T. Smith, and D. Boning, “Advanced Process Control of Sputter Depositions”, Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Workshop IX (AEC/APC), SEMATECH, Incline Vil­lage, NV, Sept. 1997. **
  • Rosenthal, P., P. Solomon, S. Charpenay, A. Bonanno, W. Zhang, W. Eikleberry, A. Gower, T. Smith, D. Boning, and A. Waldhauer, “Run to Run Control of A Single Wafer Epitaxial Silicon Fabrication Process,” Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Workshop IX (AEC/APC), SE­MATECH, Incline Village, NV, Sept. 1997. **
  • Stine, B., D. Boning, J. Chung, D. Ciplickas, and J. Kibarian, “Simulating the Impact of Poly-CD Wafer-Level and Die-Level Variation On Circuit Performance,” Second International Workshop on Statistical Metrology (IWSM), pp. 24 -27, Kyoto, Japan, June 1997. **
  • Stefani, J., S. W. Butler, T. Smith, and D. Boning, “Exponentially Weighted Moving Average-Based Control of Metal Sputter Deposition Processes for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” 4th In­ternational Applied Statistics in Industry Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 1997. **
  • Smith, T., A. Gower, and D. Boning, “A Matrix Math Library for Java,” ACM 1997 Workshop on Java for Science and Engineering Computation, Las Vegas, June 1997. **
  • Le, M., T. Smith, D. Boning, and H. Sawin, “Run-to-Run Process Control on a Dual-Coil Trans­former Coupled Plasma Etcher with Full Wafer Interferometry and Spatially Resolved Optical Emission Spectrometer,” Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Process Control, Diag­nostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Electrochemical Society Proc. Vol. 97-9, pp. 3-10, Montreal, May 1997. **
  • Smith, T., D. Boning, J. Stefani, and S. W. Butler, “Run by Run Advanced Process Control of Metal Sputter Deposition,” Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Process Control, Diagnos­tics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Electrochemical Society Proc. Vol. 97-9, pp. 11-18, Montreal, May 1997. **
  • Boning, D., J. Chung, D. Ouma, and R. Divecha, “Spatial Variation in Semiconductor Processes: Modeling for Control,” Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Process Control, Diagnos­tics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Electrochemical Society Proc. Vol. 97-9, pp.72-83, Montreal, May 1997. **
  • Stine, B., D. Ouma, R. Divecha, D. Boning, J. Chung, D. L. Hetherington, I. Ali, G. Shinn, J. Clark, O.S. Nakagawa, and S.-Y. Oh, “A Closed-Form Analytic Model for ILD Thickness Variation in CMP Processes,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Confer­ence (CMP-MIC), pp. 266-273, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1997. **
  • Divecha, R., B. Stine, D. Ouma, J. Yoon, D. Boning, J. Chung, O.S. Nakagawa, and S.-Y. Oh, “Effect Of Fine-Line Density And Pitch On Interconnect Ild Thickness Variation In Oxide Cmp Processes,” Chemical-Mechanical Planarization for ULSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference (CMP-MIC), pp. 29-36, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 1997. ** 
  • Boning, D. and J. Chung, “Statistical Metrology: Tools for Understanding Variation,” Future Fab International, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 323-328, Jan. 1997. **
  • Stine, B. E., D. S. Boning, J. E. Chung, and D. Hetherington, “Rapid Characterization and Modeling of Spatial Variation: A CMP Case Study,” Proceedings KLA/Tencor Yield Management Seminar, Semicon/West, San Francisco, CA, July 1997. ** 
  • Boning, D., “Fundamentals and Applications of Run by Run Process Control,” Tutorial II, Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Workshop IX (AEC/APC), SEMATECH, Incline Village, NV, Sept. 1997.



  • Chang, E, B. Stine, T. Maung, R. Divecha, D. Boning, J. Chung, K. Chang, G. Ray, D. Bradbury, S. Oh, and D. Bartelink, “Using a Statistical Metrology Framework to Identify Systematic and Random Sources of Die- and Wafer-level ILD Thickness Variation in CMP Processes,” International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), pp. 499-502, Wash. D.C., Dec. 1995. ** (figures)
  • Boning, D., W. Moyne, T. Smith, J. Moyne, and A. Hurwitz, “Practical Issues in Run by Run Pro­cess Control,” 1995 SEMI/IEEE Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Work­shop (ASMC), pp. 201-208, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 1995. **
  • Boning, D., A. Hurwitz, J. Moyne, W. Moyne, S. Shellman, T. Smith, J. Taylor, and R. Telfeyan, “Run by Run Control of Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” Proc. of IEEE International Electronics Manu­facturing Technology Symposium (IEMT), pp. 81-87, Austin, TX, Oct. 1995. **
  • Boning, D., N. Chaudhry, A. Hurwitz, J. Moyne, W. Moyne, S. Shellman, T. Smith, and R. Telfey­an, “A Multi-level Approach to the Control of a Chemical Mechanical Planarization Process,” 42nd National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Abstract #1022, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 1995. ** 
  • Wong, K.S. and D. S. Boning, “On In-Situ Etch Rate Estimation from Interferometric Signals,” Proc. of Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing I, 187th Electrochemical Society Meeting, pp. 360-371, Reno, NV, May 1995. ** 
  • Losleben, P. and D. Boning, “A New Research Paradigm using Internet Collaboration, or Building a National Research Enterprise,” Hierarchical Technology CAD – Process, Device, and Circuits, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Aug. 1995. **
  • Chang, E, B. Stine, T. Maung, R. Divecha, D. Boning, J. Chung, K. Chang, G. Ray, D. Bradbury, S. Oh, and D. Bartelink, “Using a Statistical Metrology Framework to Identify Random and Systematic Sources of Intra-Die ILD Thickness Variation for CMP Processes,” SEMATECH Statistical Metrology Workshop, Austin TX, August 22, 1995. **


  • Boning, D. S., T. Maung, J. Chung, K.-J. Chang, S.-Y. Oh, and D. Bartelink, “Statistical metrology of interlevel dielectric thickness variation,” Proceedings of the SPIE Symposium on Microelectron­ics Manufacturing, SPIE Vol. 2334, pp. 316-327, Austin, TX, Oct. 1994. **
  • Boning, D. S., J. L. Claman, K. S. Wong, T. J. Dalton, and H. H. Sawin, “Plasma Etch Endpoint via Interferometric Imaging,” Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control Workshop VI (AEC/APC), SEMATECH, San Antonio, TX, Sept. 1994. **
  • Boning, D. S. and M. B. McIlrath, “Conceptual Graphs and Manufacturing Processes,” Second In­ternational Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS), Proceedings Supplement, pp. 1-15, College Park, MD, Aug., 1994.
  • Boning, D. S., J. L. Claman, K. S. Wong, T. J. Dalton, and H. H. Sawin, “Plasma Etch Endpoint via Interferometric Imaging,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 897-911, Balti­more, MD, June 1994. **



  • Boning, D. S., G. Chin, R. Cottle, W. Dietrich, S. Duvall, M. Giles, R. Harris, M. Karasick, N. Kha­lil, M. Law, L. Nackman, S. Nassif, V. T. Rajan, D. Schroeder, R. Tremain, D. Walker, R. Wang, and A. Wong, “Developing and Integrating TCAD Applications with the Semiconductor Wafer Representation,” Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Cir­cuits: NUPAD IV Technical Digest, pp. 199-200, Seattle, WA, May 1992.




  • Boning, D. S., “Wafer Profile Interchange Format,” SRC Workshop on System Architecture for CIM, U.C. Berkeley, November 11-14, 1986.


  • Boning, D. S. and D. A. Antoniadis, “MASTIF – A Workstation Approach to Fabrication Process Design,” International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (IICCAD), pp. 280-282, Santa Clara, Nov., 1985.

** Outgrowth of supervised student research